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skys:辅酶Q10 可能还有希望  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-7-10 [回复1楼]

  辅酶Q10 可能还有希望
  New research announced into antioxidant Coenzyme Q10
  23 February 2011
  Research will soon get underway to investigate whether a new formulation of the antioxidant Coenzyme Q10 can slow or stop Parkinson’s in animal models.
  This new study could pave the ways towards truly effective Coenzyme Q10 treatments that can slow the development of Parkinson’s
  Dr Kieran Breen, Director of Research
  Recent studies have suggested that taking Coenzyme Q10 could slow the development of Parkinson’s - but extremely high doses are required.
  This is because Coenzyme Q10 is poorly absorbed by tissues, especially the brain, making it difficult to deliver enough for an effective dose.
  This study will look at a new way of delivering Coenzyme Q10 to the brain which may allow it to be effective at a lower dosage.
  About Coenzyme Q10
  Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally occurring antioxidant that helps cells produce energy and defend themselves against toxic chemicals - things that the dopamine-producing nerve cells affected in Parkinson’s struggle with.
  It’s also widely used in anti-ageing beauty products.
  About the new study
  The new study, funded by the Michael J. Fox Foundation, will test a new formulation of Coenzyme Q10 combined with vitamin E, which was developed by the US bio science company Zymes.
  Their new formula allows significant quantities of Coenzyme Q10 to be dissolved in water. And the research team believes it should be a much more effective way of getting Coenzyme Q10 into the brain.
  The researchers will test the ability of their new recipe to stop the death of nerve cells in animal models of Parkinson’s.
  Realising the potential of Coenzyme Q10
  Dr Kieran Breen, our Director of Research and Development comments:
  "Coenzyme Q10 has shown potential in human trials, but problems with finding and delivering the right dose have slowed our progress.
  "This new study could pave the ways towards truly effective Coenzyme Q10 treatments that can slow the development of Parkinson’s."

skys:CO Q10  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-7-12 [回复2楼]

  CO Q10
  FDA 辅酶Q10 3期临床试验2011年8月停止,因为没明显效果。
  这篇报道的 时间是在2011年2月,似乎早知道以上结果的。它说:宣布开始审查一种新分子式的CO Q10在低剂量时有效果(减慢或停止)。因为老版的需要极高的剂量,且无显效。CO Q10的作用机理是让细胞产生能量,这点有些象VITAMIN K2.对新分子的考验首先是能否通过BBB。随便说:另一篇关于辛伐他汀的论文提及CO Q10治疗PD的研究仍在进行中,另外:辛伐他汀会降低身体中CO Q10的水平。

章华:回复2楼 skys  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-7-13 [回复3楼]

  回复2楼 skys
  回复2楼 skys:CO Q10
  我想说对Q10和Vit K2或者Zandopa(印度传统帕症用药,主要成分是Mucuna)能否通过全部临床测试表示怀疑,并不是指功效问题,而要看FDA的药品审查委员会是些什么人组成,在我的理解中,天然或传统医学的药物可以过FDA这一关近乎天方夜谭,除了财力的问题,这是竞争和取代的商业战争,我想大家明白。所以不要有期望Q10、VitK2、Zandopa能成为处方药成为正式药物,当然,VitK2在日本是治疗骨质疏松药物是因为VitK2(Esai)是日本原产的,而Zandopa是印度原产,仅限于自己国家,就像中药牛黄解毒片只在中国是药准字一样。
  对于这一类补充剂,我是持开明态度,该吃的还是吃,吃出效果就是赚了(薛老如此说),但我想特别提一下,目前服用化合左旋多巴类(美多巴、息宁)的帕友要考虑补充抗氧化剂和Vit B6及叶酸。原因在于左旋多巴会产生自由基和同型半胱氨酸(Hcy),自由基会加速疾病进展,同型半胱氨酸会导致心脑血管病变,包括冠心病和血管内膜增厚引起的颈动脉狭窄。有可能的话帕症病人去查查Hcy,对将来疾病进展和预防因应用L-dopa引起的心脑系统疾病有提示作用。 

章华:回复3楼 章华  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-7-13 [回复4楼]

  回复3楼 章华
  回复3楼 章华:回复2楼 skys
  更正一下,Vit K2(Esai)应该是Eisai,打漏一个字,抱歉。 

skys:no  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-7-13 [回复5楼]

  白藜芦醇 分子量200多,可能影响SIRT\PGC-1ALPHA,可能影响ALPHA-突触核蛋白,有点贵
  姜黄素 分子量较白大,可能影响ALPHA-突触核蛋白,较难过BBB,改良版有CNB-001,没得卖
  蓝莓萃取物 类黄酮 花青素
  PQQ 也称为辅酶PQQ,2003年,日本人发现水溶性B族维生素PQQ,体外试验:可能影响
  ALPHA-突触核白, 纳豆中有,研究好象不多
  运动和咖啡 能调高基因表达(PGC-1ALPHA,与PD有关),FACEBOOK的老板(带PD 基因)就

skys:Sci Transl Med:利用疾病来源iPS细胞研究帕金森氏病  IP:  日期:2012-7-23 [回复6楼]

  Sci Transl Med:利用疾病来源iPS细胞研究帕金森氏病
  2012.7 9 <科学 转化医学 > .......研究者测量了这些iPS细胞来源的神经细胞线粒体反应几个方面的指标,包括产生的活性氧族,线粒体呼吸,质子泄漏,线粒体在神经细胞内的运动。他们还发现辅酶Q10,雷帕霉素,或LRRK2的激酶抑制剂GW5074可使来源于家族性帕金森氏症患者和高危个体iPS细胞的线粒体功能障碍获得补救。........
  原文:Pharmacological Rescue of Mitochondrial Deficits in iPSC-Derived Neural Cells from Patients with Familial Parkinson’s Disease

skys:neurologix NLX-P101 终止  IP:  日期:2012-7-29 [回复7楼]

  neurologix NLX-P101 终止
  2011.3给出的数据也不错 被列为可逆转PD进程的技术,可惜现在因为财务原因终止。可惜,不知能否重启。
  Study of AAV-GAD Gene Transfer Into the Subthalamic Nucleus for Parkinson’s Disease
  This study has been terminated.
  ( Due to financial reasons )
  First Received on March 24, 2008. Last Updated on February 20, 2012
  这是2012.3.29 论坛上一段话: Dear Paula_w. The Neurologix story is tragic, as clearly the intervention had efficacy, with almost everyone in the study gaining some benefit. Most importantly, there were no significant adverse events, an achievement in itself. A total of 45 people were enrolled in the study and randomized one to one. 22 received the AAV-GAD active treatment, 23 received sham. A few patients randomized to GAD didnt receive the treatment as indicated, either because of missed target (the blinded design prevented revision surgery that is commonly carried out with DBS to ensure correct targeting). Moreover as the device used to deliver the GAD gene (AAV-GAD or NLX-P101) is not a commercial device, but still undergoing development, and so there were a few problems with infusion, pump failures etc. In the end 16 individuals got the treatment as intended. the other subjects either got partial treatment, or missed target or the device slipped out of the target prior to infusion. Of the patients randomize to the burr hole only (sham surgery), 14 of that group has now received the GAD treatment, with no significant problems reported. My understanding is that only 2 of the remaining 9 sham subjects were eligible candidates to receive GAD, and it is tragic that with the demise of NRGX, that the study is terminated. The hope is that the original developers of this technology can move forward with a new trial, fully optimized in every way. The Neurologix Phase 2 was the first of any biological therapy to reach its primary endpoint, with 10 of the subjects at one year having improved by 9 points or more on their UPDRS(motor) OFF scores. Moreover, those who didnt get such a good response on UPDRS still improved with increased ON time of at least 2 hours during the waking day. Hence, although the approach is no cure, it is a significant advance, and so it would be great if the inventors can move it along.. 看最后一句 

路过:阿兹海默症药物Dimebon的起死回生 2012-8-2   IP:  日期:2012-8-2 [回复8楼]

  阿兹海默症药物Dimebon的起死回生 2012-8-2
  近日,西奈半岛学院医学院研究人员领导的国际小组已经发现,一种已先前在阿尔茨海默氏病的临床试验中取得相互矛盾的结果药物能有效地停止阿尔茨海默氏症疾病小鼠模型的疾病早期阶段的记忆恶化和大脑病理进展。研究结果于7月31日发表在在Molecular Psychiatry杂志上,该研究证实了这种化合物仍具有治疗潜力,并可能促使开展处于疾病早期阶段患者的相关临床试验。
  美国阿尔茨海默氏症研究人员包括西奈山阿尔茨海默氏症研究中心主任Mary Sano在内的科学家对在俄罗斯进行的II期临床试验进行了监督。然而,当研究在美国继续第三阶段的试验时,这种药物并没有表现出任何能改善患者疾病症状的功效,所以导致了该化合物进一步的临床研究终止了。
  Gandy博士的研究小组随机给予阿尔茨海默氏病的早期阶段的小鼠Latrepirdine或安慰剂,发现该药物能停止行为能力的下降和神经病理学的进展。在评估Latrepirdine如何改进记忆时,神经研究生John Steele博士和Lenard Lachenmayer医学博士发现该化合物增强细胞自噬过程即“自食”过程中,以此来抑制大脑神经退行性疾病。
  Rejected Alzheimer’s drug shows new potential 

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